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For Sale: Nikon D90 at $550

- nabidka - [23.04.2009]
BUY 3 GET 1 FREE OR BUY 5 GET 2 FREE FOR ANY ORDER OR INQUIRY ON THIS PRODUCT CONTACT: matt.dicaprio@yahoo.com For Sale: Nikon D90 at $550 Description Nikon D90 offers Nikon\'s new D-SLR movie function, allowing you to shoot 320 x 216 pixels, 640 x 424 pixels or HD720p (1,280 x 720 pixels) movies at the professional smoothness of 24 frames per second in motion JPEG format. The D90\'s sensor, which is much larger than the sensor of a typical camcorder, ensures higher image quality. Technical Specifications * Effective Pixels: 12.3 million * Image Sensor: Nikon DX format (23.6 x 15.8 mm) CMOS sensor * Image Size (Pixels): 4,288 x 2,848 [L] * Sensitivity: ISO 200 to 3,200 * File Format: NEF (12 bit compressed RAW); JPEG (Baseline-compliant); AVI (Motion JPEG compression format with monaural sound) * Storage Media: SD memory card (SDHC compliant) * Shooting Modes: 1) Single frame shooting mode, 2) Continous low shooting mode, 3) Continous high shooting mode, 4) Self-timer mode, 5) Delay remote mode, 6) Quick-response remote mode 7) D-Movie * LCD Monitor: 3.0\", 920,000-dot low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD, allows up to 170-degree wide viewing angle * Interface: USB 2.0 (High-speed): Mass Storage and MTP/PTP selectable, GP-1 (GPS Unit) * Picture Angle (in 35mm [135] format equivalent): Approx. 1.5x lens focal length * Viewfinder: Fixed eye-level pentaprism; built-in diopter adjustment (-2 to +1 m-1) * Focusing Screen: Type B BriteView Clear Matte Mark II screen * Autofocus: TTL phase detection by Nikon Multi-CAM 1000 autofocus module with AF-assist (range approx. 0.5-3m/1ft 8 in. - 9ft 10 in.)Shutter-Priority Auto [S], 4) Aperture Priority Auto [A], 5) Manual [M] * Auto Exposure Bracketing: 2 to 3 exposures in increments of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1 or 2 steps to (+-) 1.0 EV * Maximum Shutter: 1/4000 * Minimum Shutter: 30 * Retouch menu, Info Display on LCD monitor, Intergrated Dust Reductions System, Live view (with face-priority AF), D-Movie * Shutter: Electronically controlled vertical-travel focal plane shutter, 30 to 1/4000sec in steps of 1/3 EV plus bulb * Sync Contact: X-contact only; flash synchronization at up to 1/200 sec * Flash Control: 1)TTL flash control with 420-pixel RGB sensor * Self-Timer: Electronically controlled timer with duration of 2, 5, 10 or 20 s. * Depth of Field Preview Button: Yes * Battery Life (on a fully charged battery): Approx 1,000 shots Package Content * 1 Nikon D90 DSLR Camera * 1 EN-EL3e Rechargeable Battery * 1 MH-18a Quick Charger * 1 DK-5 Eyepiece Cap1 DK-2 * 1 Rubber Eyecup * 1 UC-E4 USB Cable * 1 EG-D2 Audio Video Cable * 1 AN-DC1 Camera Strap * 1 BM-10 LCD Monitor Cover * 1 Body Cap * 1 BS-1 Accessory Shoe Cover * 1 Software Suite CD-ROM
Jméno:matt Dicaprio
Mail: matt.dicaprioyahoo.com
Telefon: 1326472837

Lokalita: České Budějovice
Cena: 550 Kč / 18.26 EUR €
Práve si prohlížíte inzerát For Sale: Nikon D90 at $550

For Sale: Nikon D90 at $550

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